Having trouble with your PMO? 

New PMO Manager and no idea where to start?

I can tell you, I have been there and I have experienced the same pain you have and can I tell you a secret...... It is not easy!

A couple words from Bill.....

What I can tell you is you can't wing assessing or auditing a PMO. Most companies pay good money for "PMO Experts" to come in and tell them what is wrong and most of them have no idea where to start.

You need help, support and a step-by-step process to follow to audit and assess any PMO. If you are just starting in a new PMO and have no idea where to start this package is for you! If you are an experience PMO Manager and you have been called into a company to fix an existing PMO, this package is for you.

Over and over, you are going to find you need an easy to follow simple package that helps you assess where your PMO is at today, and what will it take to move it into the future!

What's in the Package?

PMO Audit/Assessment Package

1. PMO Audit / Assessment Microsoft Project Schedule

2. PMO Audit / Assessment Collection Tool

3. PMO Audit / Assessment Guide and Best Practices White Paper

4. PMO Recommendation Report Template

5. PMO Audit / Assessment Best Practices Presentation (Material from Webinar)

6. PMO Audit / Assessment Article

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PMO Audit/Assessment Package$49.99

  • Total payment
  • 1xPMO Audit/Assessment Package$49.99

All prices in USD